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Strategic Plan (2024-2026)


The Pendleton Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting local businesses, nurturing member businesses, and enhancing the overall quality of life in South Madison County (SMC).  This strategic plan, serving as a reliable roadmap, outlines our vision, goals, and strategies for the coming years, providing a clear path for sustainable development and community prosperity.

This strategic plan is not just a document but a CALL TO ACTION.  We all share a collective responsibility to ensure its success by structuring our organization to meet the organization's goals.  Together, we can achieve our shared vision for the future of the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce, fostering a sense of ownership and commitment, from the Board and its Members.

Now is the time, more than ever, to prepare for the evolving business landscape and the next generation of leaders.  It is our turn to pick up the mantle and carry it forward with conviction, passion, and purpose.  Let's be motivated and ready for the challenges ahead.

The Pendleton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors is undertaking a significant effort to envision the future and position the Chamber for enduring vitality.  In the following paragraphs, we outline the steps we will take to ensure the vitality of our shared organization.

As an enduring institution, we find ourselves at a crossroads shaped by societal changes and evolving social norms.  The Board of Directors is committed to investing time, talent, and resources to ensure that the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce remains a vital, influential, and recognizable organization.  This unwavering commitment should inspire confidence in our members and partners about the Chamber's future.

To realize our vision, it's time to implement institutional changes necessary to ensure our future remains bright and progressive. These changes are crucial for demonstrating that membership in the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce adds value to personal and professional lives.

We invite all members of the SMCs community to join us in this exciting journey.  Together, we can create a vibrant, prosperous future for everyone.  Business and community involvement and support are crucial to our success.

Thank you for being a part of this dynamic community.  We look forward to working together to achieve our shared goals and make the communities we serve as places where everyone thrives.


Established with a vision to foster economic growth and prosperity, the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce has been serving local businesses and nonprofit organizations since 1997.

The Chamber empowers businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises, by providing resources, networking opportunities, and advocacy initiatives.

As a member-driven organization, we take pride in connecting entrepreneurs, professionals, and community leaders to collaborate and innovate to serve the greater community.  We aim to create a supportive ecosystem where businesses and organizations can flourish in a landscape that unlocks endless opportunities for growth and success.


The mission of the Pendleton Chamber of Commerce is to promote and support businesses in SMC (Adams Township – Town of Markleville, Fall Creek Township – Town of Pendleton, and Green Township – Town of Ingalls) by nurturing, connecting, and leading the local business community to be a driving force in creating a thriving entrepreneurial environment where enterprises of all sizes can flourish and contribute to the collective success of Pendleton.


Our vision is to be a leading organization that exemplifies business excellence and community collaboration.  We envision SMC as a destination for entrepreneurs, a hub for growth, and a place where residents enjoy a high standard of living and quality of life.


Collaboration: We foster partnerships and open communication among businesses, community organizations, and government entities to achieve shared goals.

Community Impact: We believe in walking the talk.  We ensure that our work and approach reflect our drive to make SMC the best place for businesses and residents.

Data-Driven: We use quality data to make decisions and produce high-impact results that provide value to our members and the greater business community.

Innovation: We embrace creativity and forward-thinking, supporting initiatives, encouraging entrepreneurial spirit, and technological advancement.

Integrity: We uphold honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all our interactions and decisions with the highest standards.


Smart Growth and Development

The Pendleton Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of our communities, particularly during significant expansion and change.  We aim to build a robust and diverse local economy by connecting businesses within our community and fostering an entrepreneurial environment.

We commit to providing resources, advocacy, and opportunities that enable businesses to thrive, create jobs, and contribute to the overall prosperity of SMC communities.

Community Leadership and Advocacy

As a leading voice in the community, the Chamber advocates for policies and initiatives that benefit businesses and residents alike.  We strive to influence positive change through collaboration with local, state, and federal stakeholders.

We champion the interests of our members and communities, ensuring that SMC’s needs and perspectives are represented in decision-making processes that impact the future of our communities.

Enhancing Quality of Life

The Chamber is committed to enhancing the quality of life in SMC by promoting vibrant, connected, and inclusive communities.  We support activities and programs that enrich our towns' cultural, social, and civic fabric.

We work to create a welcoming environment where residents and businesses flourish, supporting initiatives that improve infrastructure, education, recreation, and overall well-being.



Supporting Local Businesses

All businesses in and around Pendleton are important to the success and vibrancy of our community.  To support all, we will provide opportunities for business owners and leaders to network and grow.


1.1. Promote and enhance a vibrant, diverse, and sustainable economy by recruiting new businesses into the region.

1.2. Enhance and support leadership growth and targeted professional development to create a talent pipeline that is diverse, equitable, and

1.3. Grow and support young people to become the next generation of entrepreneurs, business owners, and civic leaders who desire to live and work in SMC.


Nurturing Member Businesses

Our members will have access to unique networking and promotional opportunities, educational programs, business services, and special events – all designed to nurture their businesses.


2.1. Retain 95% of all existing members and attract at least 50% of all new businesses formed or relocated to SMC each year.

2.2. Ensure significant involvement in the Chamber by providing programs, services, and benefits members value as essential to their success.

2.3. Provide thought leadership, best practices, and training for partner businesses to remain competitive.

2.4. Expand cost-saving opportunities and business tools for members, including best practices for attracting and retaining talent.


Enhancing the Quality of Life in South Madison County

We will lead as the voice of business, serve as guardians of the business climate, advocate on issues that affect the business environment, and work to ensure SMC remains an ideal place to live, learn, recreate, and do business.


3.1. Develop connections that provide a solid governmental affairs effort that offers relevant and timely information and leadership to inspire Chamber members and partners to solve economic, governmental, and socio-cultural issues impacting our communities and region.

3.2. Serve as the resource for all organizations and community-led initiatives that aim to improve SMC and, thus, the greater business community.

3.3. Champion regional collaborations in neighboring communities - Ingalls, Markleville, and Lapel.

3.4. Leverage local leadership connections through the Pendleton Alliance (Pendleton Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Pendleton).

3.5. Leverage state and federal leadership connections to the SMC.


The Chamber is eager and ready to continue enhancing the vitality and resilience of our communities and the region.  With the Strategic Plan as our compass, the Chamber's work today and tomorrow will move the needle.  Our collective voice and united action will champion a future that benefits every community and future generations.

We will continue to lead SMC and Indiana forward, serving as a blueprint for other communities as we create and celebrate economic success.  Together, we will ensure that SMC is the best place for all businesses and all people to prosper.